A small price to pay to support struggling farmers


Dear Editor,

I’m pleased to have seen such a huge groundswell of public support from around Australia for our dedicated and struggling dairy farmers.

Many of you would be aware of my success in having a code of conduct fast-tracked for the dairy industry, which, among other things, will help set a minimum farm gate price for milk and therefore help farmers actually make a profit.

I hope that local residents will continue to show support for the industry by backing my proposal to add 10c to the price of each litre of milk, with that money guaranteed to go directly to the farmers.

Australians generally have great respect for our farming families. We know it is a tough job, often very isolating, impacted by many uncertainties, and financially challenging – this lifestyle is all the more difficult when there is a lack of adequate government understanding and support for the industry.

Thankfully, convincing the Australian Government to introduce the long-awaited code of conduct is a positive step forward. I have also introduced a private senator’s bill to set certain safeguards for the industry into law.

But more can be done, starting with all of us doing our bit to support the farmers by buying their produce – specifically, milk.

To put it into context, we seem to be happy paying $2 for a litre of water, and paying even more for fancy products like almond and rice milk and even up to $7 for a two-litre bottle of coconut water.

So, I think paying an extra 10c for a litre of milk is a sensible move that will help our farmers. It’s also a good investment in our rural communities and the future of Australia.

Kind regards

Senator Pauline Hanson

One Nation Leader

Senator for Queensland


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