Greens live sheep export ban will destroy lives


The Greens and Labor parties have shown utter contempt for Australian producers and families by shutting down debate on a bill to ban the live sheep export trade and then forcing it through the Senate.

“All Australians are appalled by the deaths and treatment of some sheep being transported overseas, none more than sheep farmers themselves, but we shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater,” Senator Hanson said.

“Live exports bring in billions of dollars a year to our economy. Yet the Greens and Labor have not given proper consideration to those farmers, communities and the workers who rely on the income derived from the live sheep export industry.”

“Clean up the way sheep are exported by all means. Fine those who break the law or strip them of their exporting licence if they are found to be doing the wrong thing. But we have to take a measured approach.”

“Did we learn nothing from the impact of shutting down the live cattle export industry?”

“Does the Labor party not understand that farming communities across Australia are still reeling from the damage done by their party when they banned live cattle exports?”

“This is just another case of the Greens seeking to tear an industry down without offering any solutions to the Australians whose lives will be utterly ruined by their slash and burn policies.”

“The total lack of empathy shown by the Greens and Labor towards Australian farming communities is sickening. With so many Australian farmers being forced off the land and suicides at epidemic levels, they need to learn that it is not just people’s livelihoods that are at stake, it is their lives.”