I’m suspicious that Premier Palaszczuk’s management of Covid-19 has now transitioned from that of a health crisis to one that is increasingly a convenient Labor campaigning platform.

I’m also concerned that the Premier, who is elected by the people, repeatedly defers her authority to an unelected health bureaucrat who has free reign to implement any restrictions she wants.

In my view, it’s a dangerous power structure that is taking Queensland down a path of economic destruction.

To put it bluntly, the Premier conveniently has absolved herself of responsibility to actually lead. She also has given herself a convenient scapegoat with which to deflect any criticism.

Queenslanders now need leadership that looks honestly at the data and recognises we are overdue and ready to re-open.

The initial reasoning for restrictions was of course to manage the virus so that our hospital emergency wards would not be overwhelmed. Thanks to the courage and discipline of Queenslanders, we have achieved that target and our hospitals have capacity.

The reality now is that virus cases have dropped to levels that are so low that it is safe to allow Queenslanders to transition to lives that are much closer to normality. We should re-open the borders so we can again host the NSW tourists who are so important to our economy.

Hundreds of tour operators, resorts and managers face closure and bankruptcy if we don’t act now.

Some people are confused by my stance on our borders. My views have never changed. On our national borders, I’ve long promoted lower more-sustainable immigration levels that don’t impact negatively on our quality of life. On the state border closures, I’m pushing to restore freedom of travel for Australian residents to help rebuild the economy and allow families to meet again.

Premier Palaszczuk is obviously relishing the limelight of her daily media briefings where she can’t help but also promote Labor’s policies. To prolong the crisis so she can push her campaign interests is an abuse of her position that reflects poorly on her governance.

Queenslanders need a leader who is for the people, not a self-interested dictator.

Senator Pauline Hanson
One Nation leader
Senator for Queensland