Labor Failing Queensland As Crime Spikes


Worrying crime increases reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics – including Australia’s biggest increase in murders – prove that Queensland Labor has failed to deliver safety and peace-of-mind for families.  

The ABS figures show that serious crime keeps increasing and, in many areas, is increasing at alarmingly unacceptable rates.

“All Queenslanders should feel confident their governments will support and fund the police to be able to fight crime and keep them safe. It’s that simple, but it’s not happening,” One Nation leader Pauline Hanson said.

“The latest crime figures are alarming, and reflect badly on the lack of Labor’s commitment to Queenslanders to the point that the police force seem hamstrung from performing their front line duties.

“We need leadership that creates an adequately-equipped police force that is backed up by legislation and the judiciary.”

The latest 2019 Queensland crime facts from the ABS:

  • Murders and related offences increased by 32%, to 103 victims,
  • There were 2621 robbery victims (a 19% increase), which was the highest number in a decade and the fifth consecutive annual increase, 
  • There were 41,912 victims of “unlawful entry with intent”, which is a terrifying crime. This was 8% more than in 2018 and the fourth consecutive annual increase, 
  • There were 4859 victims of sexual assault, 
  • Motor vehicle thefts increased to 14,466 victims, which was the highest number since 2010, 
  • There were 136,877 victims of other thefts, which was the highest number in ten years.

“Community safety must be one of the top priorities of our so-called leaders, otherwise what’s the point of them being there? They need to get out of the way and let someone else get it done,” Senator Hanson said.

To look at the statistics yourself, visit: